Programming In Python
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Programming In Python (Jan-Feb)

"Unleash your coding prowess with Python's power and versatility in this comprehensive course designed for Novices to Developers."

Language: English

Instructors: Lernezy

₹3000 62.07% OFF

₹1138 including GST


Why this course?



Programming In Python is a course designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of Python programming. Students will learn the basics of syntax, data types, variables, and control structures in Python. The course will also cover more advanced topics such as functions, modules, file handling, and exception handling. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in Python programming and will be able to build simple applications.

Key Highlights:

  • Introduction to Python programming
  • Python syntax and data types
  • Working with variables and control structures
  • Functions and modules in Python
  • File handling and exception handling

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to Python programming
    This module will cover the basics of Python programming, including installation, setting up the development environment, and running your first Python program.
  • Python syntax and data types
    In this module, you will learn about Python's syntax rules and various data types such as numbers, strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
  • Working with variables and control structures
    This module will teach you how to declare and use variables in Python. You will also learn about control structures such as if-else statements, loops, and conditional expressions.
  • Functions and modules in Python
    In this module, you will explore the concept of functions and how to define and use them in Python. You will also learn about modules and how to import and utilize them in your programs.
  • File handling and exception handling
    This module will cover file handling operations in Python, including reading from and writing to files. You will also learn about exception handling and how to handle various types of errors and exceptions in your code.

Course Curriculum

Course Introduction
Install & setup
Our First Python Program
Printing in Python
Strings in Python
Variables and Types
Numeric Data Types in Python
Program Flow Control in python
Introduction to Blocks and Statements
if Statements
More on if, elif and else
Conditional Operators
Using and, or, in Conditions
Boolean Expression True and False
for loops
while loops
Lists & Tuple
Immutable Objects
Mutable Objects
Binding Multiple Names to a List
Sorting Lists
Tuples are Immutable
Constants in Python
Defining a function
Program flow when calling a function
Parameters and arguments
Debugging with parameters
Dictionaries & sets
What is a dictionary?
Iterating over a dictionary
Adding items to a dictionary
Changing values in a dictionary
Removing items from a dictionary
Using `in` with a dictionary
Dictionary menu challenge solution
Introduction to sets
Python sets
Implications of sets being unordered
set membership
Testing set membership is fast
Adding items to a set
Using a set to remove duplicate values
Reading & Writing files in Python
Files and directories
Introduction to the command prompt or terminal
Text Files
Reading from a text file
Opening a file using `with'
Modules & Functions in Python
Modules and import
The standard Python library
WebBrowser Module
Time and DateTime in Python
Functions in Python
Object Orientated Python
Object Orientated Programming and Classes
Instances, Constructors, Self and more
Class Attributes
Methods Part 1
Methods Part 2
Non Public and Mangling
DocStrings and Raw Literals
Album class and More on DocStrings
Artist class and import Albums
Load data and Write Checkfile
Write OOP Version
Getters and Properties
Remove Circular References Challenge
Using Databases in Python
Introduction to Databases
Database Terminology
Sqlite3 Install on Windows
Sqlite3 Install on a Mac
SQLite3 Install on Ubuntu Linux
Introduction to SQLite
More with SQL using SQLite
SQL in Python
Connections, Cursors and Transactions
SQL Injection Attacks

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.

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